What are the most common mistakes everyone makes while barbequing and which are the best ways to avoid them?

Mistake Number One:
Placing refrigerated food directly on the grill. Grilling food that is cold means that it will take longer for it to heat up and cook properly. In addition, there is a high possibility that your food will start to burn on the outside without being thoroughly cooked on the inside.
The solution:
Remove food from the refrigerator at least half an hour before placing it on the grill (an hour before for larger pieces of meat).
Mistake Number Two:
Using the wrong firelighters. Anything that lights up easily is not necessarily suitable to use as a firelighter.
The solution:
Grilling is a serious cooking process that your family and you will enjoy. Do not use low quality or unsuitable firelighters, as they can affect the quality of the food you eat. SIDERIS firelighters are the safest choice and offer easy lighting of your fire, whether you choose to use natural firelighters, solid firelighters, or gel firelighters.
Mistake Number 3:
The most common and serious mistake while grilling: when you place your food over charcoal that is still black and therefore has not had time to light properly.
The solution:
To grill safely, traditional lumpwood charcoal must be properly lit. Once the charcoal turns white, wait 15 minutes for the fire to reach the right temperature for cooking before placing food on the grill. This ensures that the cooking temperature is constant, and that your food is cooked evenly and safely.